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The Organization for Social Media Safety is a nonprofit, consumer protection organization focused exclusively on social media. We protect against all social media-related dangers through a comprehensive approach that includes education, advocacy, and technology development. We are available to provide expertise for your story on social media-related dangers.

For press inquiries, please contact Marc Berkman, Executive Director, at marc@ofsms.org or at (855) 446-3767, ext. 101.

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Press Releases

City Declares February 13th Social Media Safety Day in Los Angeles

February 13, 2019

On Wednesday, February 13, 2019, the Organization for Social Media Safety (SMS) officially launched operations.  The Los Angeles City Council commended SMS on its launch and passed a resolution sponsored by Councilmember Bob Blumenfield declaring February 13th Social Media Safety Day in the City of Los Angeles.

In the News

Apple says its App Store is ‘a safe and trusted place.’

November 22, 2019

More than 1,500 complaints of unwanted sexual approaches, many targeting children, have been made against popular social networking apps in Apple’s App Store, in contrast to what Apple prominently markets as a “safe and trusted place,” according to a Washington Post investigation.
