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We are proud of the impact we are having around the world as we work towards ending social media-related dangers and making social media safe for everyone.

We have directly reduced, prevented, or deterred social media-related:

  • Cyberbullying
  • Violence
  • Human trafficking
  • Addiction
  • Harassment
  • Election interference
  • Hate Speech
  • And more

Making Social Media Safer

Teaching social media safety

We have presented at K-12 schools across the country educating thousands of parents and students on essential social media safety skills.

Improving public policy

We have developed and sponsored ground-breaking legislation to deter social media-motivated violence, sexual harassment, child exploitation, and election interference.

Helping schools

We have worked with administrators and educators to develop and improve school social media safety guidelines keeping thousands of students safer on social media.

Spreading knowledge

We have distributed innovative and effective social media safety tips to thousands of families across the country through our newsletter and major media outlets.

Protecting the most vulnerable

We have focused safety efforts on and created awareness campaigns for traditionally vulnerable populations, like foster youth, who are at higher risk of falling victim to social media-related dangers.

Honor and recognition

We have been recognized and honored by a number of entities, including the City of Los Angeles, for our work to make social media safer for everyone